Blossoming with Joy! #cherryblossoms #highpark #toronto

Today, I witnessed the beautiful and bountiful display of cherry blossoms in High Park, Toronto, Ontario. If you are visiting Toronto in late April to early May, this is a must see! Be prepared for throngs of people and today coincided with Mother’s Day. I highly recommend walking, cycling or taking public transit.  









 There is limited parking, and cars are bumper to bumper driving through the park. Add the beauty of the surroundings of the park itself, and the blossoms are like a lovely pink chiffon icing on a cake. Bring your camera, water, comfortable shoes and patience. This is a free, family-friendly event and worth your time. There are ice cream vendors, a concession stand and of course the long-standing Grenadier Restaurant. Some people brought their own snacks. If your wish to pay the fare, there is a motorized train that runs through the park for those needing to rest their feet. You might only have a few days left before the blossoms are gone, so check it out!


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